We found the Punjabis to be unbelievably friendly, honest, and generous people. All the facilities around the Golden Temple were free of charge, including the sleeping accommodation, toilets, shoe cubbys and last but not least the free kitchen. The best experience was without a doubt the 24h open free kitchen which served over 10 000 portions of dahl, rice and chapatis every day! All hungry souls were welcome to eat there and we sat in rows on the floor as efficient Sikh volunteers went around serving up food. The system there was absolutely amazing. Huge couldrons boiled lentils day and night, groups of people sat chopping thousands of onions and yet more helped with the frantic chore of sorting and washing up dishes.

Free Kitchen
Patrick eating in the Free Kitchen
Extremely organised Sikhs sort dishes sending them flying through the air and landing with precision and a bang
Volunteers washing up
Around the Golden Temple complex there were guruwaras places for pilgrims to sleep. We stayed in a dormatory for foreigners that was small, packed and stuffy but nonetheless the atmosphere was well worth a few sweaty nights. The first night we arrived all the beds were taken and we were resolved to sleeping on the floor with people clambering over us all night long.
Pilgrims taking a nap
The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
An hour after the meeting began as scheduled at 4:30pm, Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer marched a group of sixty-five Gurkha and twenty-five Baluchi soldiers into the Bagh, fifty of whom were armed with rifles. Dyer had also brought two armoured cars armed with machine guns, however the vehicles were stationed outside the main gate as they were unable to enter the Bagh through the narrow entrance.
The Jallianwala Bagh was bounded on all sides by houses and buildings and had few narrow entrances, most of which were kept permanently locked. The main entrance was relatively wider, but was guarded by the troops backed by the armoured vehicles. General Dyer ordered troops to open fire without warning or any order to disperse, and to direct fire towards the densest sections of the crowd. He continued the firing, approximately 1,650 rounds in all, until ammunition was almost exhausted.
Apart from the many deaths directly from the firing, a number of people died in stampedes at the narrow gates or by jumping into the solitary well on the compound to escape the firing. A plaque in the monument at the site, set up after independence, says that 120 bodies were plucked out of the well.
The wounded could not be moved from where they had fallen, as a curfew had been declared - many more died during the night. There were more than 1500 casualties and about 1000 killed.
Usch! That's horrible! Gud vad man skäms skäms skäms. Det finns och har skett så jäkla mycket hemsk skit här i världen, jag kan inte fatta det.
ReplyDeleteOch jag finansierar det varje dag, genom att leva mitt välfärds västerländska liv..! Ok, nu spyr jag lite grann....
Soft med gratis käk och sovplats!! Hur går dom runt??!
Tara you should keep up with the slöja, it's actually really trendy among hip people of both sexes to wear your scarf like that here! ;D
English please!! Isadora you're a star, thank you for our first comment:)
ReplyDeleteThey get donations to run the place and we believe that as it's the Sikhs holiest sight, donations come from all Sikh activities. A guess anyway.
Good to keep me updated on the fashion at home, I may need it;p